av B Saxin · 2013 · Citerat av 1 — PART 2 Observations. In this part the results of the data analysis are presented: factors from the factor analysis, and an effect analysis to find signs of constraints.


Det radioaktiva ämnet cesium-137 spreds i miljön både i samband med de doser härrörde från småhus som hade skifferbaserad lättbetong både i ytter- och inner- Conversion coefficients for use in radiological protection against external.

The relative intensities of the internal conversion electrons of the 663 KeV gamma-ray for K and L, L and M energy levels have been estimated as 4.62±0.18 and 15.0±0.8, respectively. A previously developed analytical method was applied for the determination of absorbed fractions inside ellipsoidal volumes from alpha, beta, and gamma radiations to the calculation of dose conversion coefficients (DCCs) for 15 reference organisms, animals and plants, either terrestrial, amphibian, or aquatic, and six radionuclides ((14)C, (90)Sr, (60)Co, (137)Cs, (238)U, and (241)Am). back to the detector. The large peak that we see to the extreme left is due to internal conversion, which happens mostly because the excited 137Ba nuclei has a comparatively long half-life of 2.55 minutes. Absorption Coefficient of Lead and Tin For calculating the absorption coefficient, we used layers of lead and tin between different sources (a) 137 Cs-γ .

Internal conversion coefficient cs 137

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Comparing this with the Γ δ of 8.25 Rcm 2 mg-1 h-1 for radium filtered by 0.5 mm Pt, the conversion factor is 8.25/3.26 = 2.53 mCi of 137 Cs/mg of 226 Ra. a process called ‘Internal Conversion’, in which the excitation energy is transferred to an atomic electron, which emerges with a discrete energy. The ratio between conversion electrons and gammas is called the conversion coefficient α. In our case, = 0.092. In α about 80% of the cases, a K-electron is converted. The rest mostly involves


typeinfo for QShowEvent 685 17-137. Primary  (Cs-137) in food as a consequence of the Chernobyl accident in 1986 (Ohlander et al., work is ensured by a quality system and external and internal audits. Conversion factor – applied to total fat to give values for total fatty acids in the. in internal combustion- or turbine engines without hardware modification, and do not According to this study, the key economic factor Determination of the total conversion efficiency and the amount of BEJF produced per supplied 137.

Internal conversion coefficient cs 137

av A Monadjem · 2004 · Citerat av 14 — van Rooyen, C.S. 2000. An overview of vulture electocutions in South Africa. Vulture News 43: 5-22. Verdoorn, G.H. 2000. Gauteng Province 

3.2 Linear attenuation coefficient of Lead and Tin In the second pa rt of the experiment we examine the ability of gamma radiation to penetrate lead and tin by calculating the linear attenuation coefficient for each energy pe ak from the combined 137Cs (a) 137 Cs-γ . Source organ . Target organ . Tissue .

Recently we measured the ratio of K-shell internal conversion coefficients, alpha (K), for the 127.5-keV E3 transition in (134)Cs and the 661.7-keV M4 transition in (137)Ba. We here report a measurement of the 165.9-keV M1 transition in (139)La, based on which we convert our earlier ratio measurement into individual aK values for the transitions in (134)Cs and (137)Ba. The internal conversion coefficient of the 663-kev gamma-ray has been measured and found to be 0.097, which is in agreement with the theoretical value for magnetic 2 4 -pole radiation.
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Internal conversion coefficient cs 137

The measurement of internal conversion coefficients, in-cluding the methods, instrumentation and data analysis, has been developed considerably over the last 60 years, as is Internal Conversion. Laboratory Exercise in Nuclear Physics. Autumn 2005.

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In a research program aimed at testing calculated internal-conversion coefficients (ICCs), we have made precise measurements of a(K) values for transitions in five nuclei, Pt-197, Ir-193; Ba-137

Recently we measured the ratio of K-shell internal conversion coefficients, alpha (K), for the 127.5-keV E3 transition in (134)Cs and the 661.7-keV M4 transition in (137)Ba. We here report a measurement of the 165.9-keV M1 transition in (139)La, based on which we convert our earlier ratio measurement into individual aK values for the transitions in (134)Cs and (137)Ba. The internal conversion coefficient of the 663-kev gamma-ray has been measured and found to be 0.097, which is in agreement with the theoretical value for magnetic 2 4 -pole radiation. The spins of the ground states of Cs137 and Ba137 are known to be 7/2 and 3/2, respectively.

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137Cs ) : 30,05 (8) a Q−(137Cs ) : 1175,63 (17) keV 2.1 β− Transitions Energy Probability Nature lg ft keV × 100 β− 0,2 513,97 (17) 94,36 (28) Unique 1st Forbidden 9,63 β− 0,1 892,1 (2) 0,00061 (8) Unique 2nd Forbidden 15,64 β− 0,0 1175,63 (17) 5,64 (28) 2nd Forbidden 12,06 2.2 Gamma Transitions and Internal Conversion Coefficients Energy P γ+ce Multipolarity α K α

1-MeV beta particle penetrates about a factor of 570 further in silic ray (a is the internal conversion coefficient, equal to 8.94% in the case of.

Discussion of the default CO2 emission factor for coal and its applicability to the Finnish primary data used, internal documentation of calculations (including the combustion in the Finnish inventory (M= model, CS = country specific, Refrigerants used in installation and conversion of equipment. 137.

As results the intensity of the β -decay to the ground state of 137 Ba could be determined to (5.4±0.3)% of the 137 Cs decays, the K -conversion coefficient to 0.0916±0.0004, and the K/ (L+M+) conversion ratio to 4.41±0.04. From these values the γ-ray emission intensity is (85.1±0.4)% of the 137 Cs decays and the K X-ray emission intensity is (8.13±0.10)% of the emitted γ -rays. The internal conversion coe cient is de ned as: ic= I e I; (3) where I e is the intensity of the conversion electrons and I is the intensity of the gamma radiation. I can easily be determined by calculating the area of the corresponding peak in the energy spectrum obtained with the -ray detec-tor (NaI scintillation detector). To determine the intensity of the conversion The comparison source in this case was Cs 137. The correction for differences in the photoelectric efficiencies had to be applied in this case.

5 Jun 2020 Gamma- and beta-rays from 137Cs, 134Cs and 90Sr sources in each source organ are generated and scored for every target organ.